Saturday, July 7, 2012

Tips for Teaching TOIEC Listening Part 3

Toiec listening part 3 consists of a short conversation (played only one time) between a man and a woman and then 3 multiple choice questions, each with 4 possible answers.  The questions/answers are printed in the student's test booklets.  The best tip you can give your students is to read the questions/possible answers first, before listening.  If they don't do this, they'll likely get the question wrong.  Even I found it very difficult when I didn't read first.

In order to do this, students have to be trained to read extremely quickly.  Scanning instead of reading for detail.  I showed my students how to move their eyes down the page instead of across it.  When the instructions are being given for section 2, students need to be reading the questions for conversation 1.  Then, they need to have quickly answered the questions within 1 or 2 seconds of the conversation being finished.  If they don't know the answer, they can just make a quick guess and move on to the next set of questions.  While the questions for the previous section are being read out, students should be reading the questions for the next conversation.  And so on.

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