Saturday, February 18, 2012

Review of Top Notch 1 & 2

Top Notch 1 and 2 are the books that I use for my Freshman English Classes, of which 95% of my consists of.  So, I use them a lot.  Like the same lesson up to 10 times/week.  My school chose these books mainly because they have this comprehensive online component to them, of which we are required to assign at least 20% of the student's final grade.  On the initial glance through the books, and setting up the homework, I was excited.  Now, one year later and I'm just frustrated.

The books are terrible.  Really.  Confusing grammar.  Vocab pages that are useless.

1 comment:

John from Daejeon said...

Thanks for revisiting these shoddy texts.

A former student recently tried getting me to take a university position at her new school, but after learning that these were the texts that I would have use, I decided to pass on it. Just reading the handful of high praises (full of grievous misspellings and lack of capitalization) from the few commenters at Amazon should be enough to turn off a lot of teachers looking for a "quality" text to use in their classrooms.